Cassie Herrera
Undergraduate Graphic Design  ||
Publishing Design and Illustration
Intersectional Feminism
Digital Illustrations

Many times in my life I have felt so very out of place. My peers did not look like me, have the same cultures and customs as me, and definitely did not have the same views when it came to human rights. When I moved to Austin I was exposed to all kinds of different people, many of whom I related to much more. It was then I began to notice how often these groups of people did not receive the representation and recognition that they deserve.I chose to create digital illustrations advocating for change within the feminist community as well as society as a whole. Many of these marginalized groups often are not accepted and still fight for their basic rights. I created digital drawings through the app procreate, to spark these necessary conversations to show that these people need representation to spread awareness and end the stigmas of queer people as a whole.It is important to amplify the voices of all queer people and not just a select few, especially queer people of color. Feminism isn’t correct without the inclusion and fight for the rights of all.


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Interactive Website
Anastasiia Shkolna
Product Design